Modern slavery and human trafficking statement
Modern Slavery Policy for iPRO Sport Holdings Limited
Policy Statement
iPRO Sport Holdings Limited is firmly committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all our operations and supply chains. As an organisation that values ethical practices, we acknowledge our responsibility to safeguard human rights and ensure that our employees and those within our supply chains are treated with respect and dignity. This policy provides a comprehensive framework for preventing modern slavery and outlines the principles that guide our behaviour and decision-making.
1. Purpose and Scope
This policy is established in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and defines our approach to preventing modern slavery within our organisation and supply chains. It applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party suppliers associated with iPRO Sport Holdings Limited globally. This policy aims to ensure that all operations are free from any forms of exploitation and that all workers are supported and respected.
2. Policy Provisions
2.1 Adherence to Laws
iPRO Sport Holdings Limited fully complies with local, national, and international laws regarding labour practices and human rights. We ensure proper training for key personnel to keep abreast of relevant legislation, including but not limited to:
- The Modern Slavery Act 2015
- The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- The International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions
We are committed to ongoing audits and assessments of our practices to ensure compliance and align our operations with best practices.
2.2 Freedom of Workers to Terminate Employment
We uphold the right of all workers to terminate their employment voluntarily. We provide a clear outline of the termination process in our employment contracts, ensuring that workers are aware of their rights and can resign without facing undue pressure, financial penalties, or harassment. Employees will be encouraged to have exit interviews, allowing for feedback on their experience within the organisation.
2.3 Freedom of Movement
iPRO Sport Holdings Limited guarantees that employees are entitled to freedom of movement within the workplace and beyond. Workers should not feel restricted or coerced into staying at work against their will. We will implement monitoring systems to ensure this freedom is respected and address any potential issues that arise promptly.
2.4 Freedom of Association
We recognise and support the fundamental right of workers to join trade unions or associations of their choice. iPRO Sport Holdings Limited encourages open dialogue and collaboration with labour representatives. Our policy includes provisions for:
- Non-retaliation against employees who choose to engage in collective bargaining.
- Regular consultations with employee representatives to discuss workplace issues and improvements.
2.5 Prohibition of Violence, Harassment, and Intimidation
Our organisation enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding all forms of violence, harassment, and intimidation. We will:
- Provide training on recognising and preventing harassment.
- Establish clear reporting channels for grievances related to violence or bullying.
- Take immediate action against any allegations of misconduct, ensuring a safe and supportive workplace.
2.6 Prohibition of Worker-Paid Recruitment Fees
iPRO Sport Holdings Limited prohibits any practice that requires workers to pay recruitment fees. This includes:
- Conducting thorough audits of our recruitment processes to eliminate any fees borne by candidates.
- Partnering exclusively with recruitment agencies that share our commitment to fair labour practices.
We will raise awareness among employees about their rights regarding recruitment fees and provide guidance on reporting any infractions.
2.7 Prohibition of Compulsory Overtime
We understand the impact of excessive working hours on employees' well-being. Therefore, we do not mandate overtime, ensuring that workers can choose to work additional hours voluntarily. Our policies around working hours include:
- Clear communication about working hours and overtime rates within employee contracts.
- Maintaining a culture that respects work-life balance to prevent burnout.
2.8 Prohibition of Child Labour
iPRO Sport Holdings Limited is committed to safeguarding children’s rights and strictly prohibits the employment of individuals under the legal working age as defined by local laws. Our policies enforce:
- Regular checks and audits within our supply chains to prevent child labour.
- Communication of our child labour policies to suppliers, ensuring compliance with labour laws and ethical standards.
2.9 Prohibition of Discrimination
We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees feel respected and valued. Our anti-discrimination policy includes:
- Comprehensive training programs on diversity and inclusion for all staff.
- Mechanisms for reporting discrimination and ensuring investigations are conducted fairly and thoroughly.
- Regular monitoring of diversity metrics to ensure equitable treatment.
2.10 Prohibition of Confiscation of Identification Documents
To protect workers' rights and ensure their dignity, iPRO Sport Holdings Limited strictly prohibits the confiscation of employees' identification documents. Policies in place include:
- Provisions that allow workers to maintain possession of their original ID, passports, and other personal documents.
- Regular checks on compliance within our supply chains to ensure no documents are withheld.
2.11 Access to Remedy, Compensation, and Justice
iPRO Sport Holdings Limited provides accessible and effective mechanisms for workers affected by modern slavery to seek remedy, compensation, and justice. We have implemented the following measures:
- Grievance Mechanisms: We offer confidential reporting channels for employees to raise complaints or concerns regarding modern slavery. This can include both internal mechanisms (such as HR departments) and through a third-party hotline to ensure anonymity and protection against retaliation.
- Investigation Procedures: All complaints will be investigated promptly and thoroughly, ensuring due process is followed. Employees will be kept informed throughout the process and provided with support resources as needed.
- Restorative Measures: We will work toward fair compensation for victims of modern slavery, which may include financial reimbursement, counselling services, and support in finding new employment.
3. Implementation and Communications
To ensure the effectiveness of this modern slavery policy, iPRO Sport Holdings Limited commits to the following actions:
3.1 Training and Awareness
- Mandatory Training: All employees, including managers and executives, will complete mandatory training on modern slavery and human trafficking. This training will cover recognising indicators of modern slavery, understanding employee rights, and knowing how to report concerns.
- Awareness Campaigns: Regular internal communications will be used to raise awareness of modern slavery issues, our policy, and procedures. This may include workshops, informational posters, and newsletters.
3.2 Clear Communication of Policy
- Accessibility: This policy will be made readily available to all employees, suppliers, and stakeholders. It will be published on our corporate website and included in employee handbooks.
- Regular Updates: We will review and update this policy annually or when significant changes occur in our operating environment or applicable legislation. Employees will be informed of these updates.
3.3 Collaboration with Suppliers
- Supplier Code of Conduct: iPRO Sport Holdings Limited will develop and enforce a Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines our expectations regarding labour practices and social responsibility. Suppliers will be required to affirm compliance with this code, which includes adhering to our anti-modern slavery measures.
- Supplier Audits: Regular audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with both our policy and relevant laws. We will work collaboratively with suppliers identified as at risk for non-compliance to develop action plans for improvement.
3.4 Reporting and Accountability
- Leadership Responsibility: Senior management is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of this policy. A designated compliance officer will oversee modern slavery risk assessments and monitor compliance.
- Monitoring and Evaluation: We will systematically evaluate the effectiveness of this policy and our anti-slavery efforts through key performance indicators (KPIs), including the number of reported issues, training completion rates, and supplier compliance rates.
4. Conclusion
iPRO Sport Holdings Limited is firmly committed to preventing modern slavery and protecting the rights of all workers. By implementing this policy, we aim to foster a culture of respect and accountability that extends beyond our organisation to include our supply chains and partners.
Our dedication to combating modern slavery reflects our core values of integrity, respect, and ethical conduct. We believe that by embedding these principles into our business practices, we contribute to the broader effort to eradicate modern slavery globally.
5. Review and Updates
This policy will be reviewed at least annually, or more frequently if significant changes arise in our operations or relevant legal requirements. Recommendations for amendments will be assessed by the management team, and any changes will be communicated to all employees and stakeholders. We welcome feedback from employees and stakeholders as we strive to improve our practices and ensure that our commitments to ethical labour standards are upheld.
By establishing and adhering to these guidelines, iPRO Sport Holdings Limited seeks to build a robust framework that not only prevents modern slavery within our organisation and supply chains but also promotes a culture of transparency, respect, and justice for all individuals involved in our business.