Healthy Hydration


News Industry iPRO Hydrate vs Student Edition: Which One Is Right for You?


17th May 2023

iPRO Hydrate vs Student Edition: Which One Is Right for You?

If you're in the market for a healthy hydration drink, you might have come across iPRO Hydrate and iPRO Student Edition. With two different options available, it's natural to wonder which one would best suit your needs. Well, while both are formulated to provide a healthy and natural way to stay hydrated, they are tailored to meet different requirements. Here’s everything you should know…   

iPRO Hydrate: Vitamin-rich hydration

iPRO Hydrate is a market-leading hydration drink designed to replenish the electrolytes in our bodies (find out more about those here), making it the preferred beverage choice among health and wellness organisations, sports clubs, and the world’s largest active community, parkrun.

Its low-sugar content and natural spring water base make it an ideal choice for health-conscious individuals who want to maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated throughout the day. With its fast rehydration factor, iPRO Hydrate is also perfect for individuals with busy schedules, such as commuters and travellers, who need a quick and easy rehydration solution.

Good news: iPRO Hydrate is widely available at various travel locations, including global WHSmith travel stores across airports and SSP Group UK shops in train stations. This makes it easy for consumers to grab a bottle of iPRO Hydrate wherever they are.

iPRO Student Edition: School-compliant hydration

iPRO Student Edition is a healthy juice range for children that meets school regulations. Alarming studies have shown 80% of young children overconsume sugar in drinks like fruit juice, and those aged between 11 and 18 drink nearly a bathtub's worth of sugary drinks every year.

What sets iPRO Student Edition apart is its natural sweetener called Stevia and the fact it doesn't contain any added sugar. This makes it a healthier option compared to the majority of soft drinks consumed by children that often do not prioritise children's health and wellbeing.

As a result, iPRO Student Edition is an ideal choice for schools and caterers in the education industry who want to offer healthier options. Parents who want to encourage mindful drinking habits in their children will also appreciate the nutritious benefits of iPRO Student Edition.

You can now experience the refreshing taste of iPRO from anywhere in the UK. Visit iPRO.Run for an exclusive 25% online discount.